It’s all about the journey…
The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t feel really good on your way to there, you can’t get there. You have to be satisfied with what-is while you’re reaching for more.
I love this, because it really IS all about the journey and not the destination. Yes, it’s great to desire more than you have, but if your happiness is conditional on you having that desire manifest, then you are creating resistance to it, and therefore “blocking” it from appearing.
Sometimes it’s hard to “enjoy” the moment when the moment currently sucks, but it really is important to find joy or appreciation in aspects of the moment. If life isn’t great right now, is there a lesson you could learn from the experience? Has it helped you to appreciate the good times? Has it caused you to want more?
If you spend some time writing down the aspects of your current reality that you feel gratitude and appreciation for, this will create a subtle shift in your vibration, which will in turn begin to attract more of what you do want, into your life.
Quite some time ago now, I was in a session with my mentor, Doug, and I was having a whinge about my job. It frustrated me, and I felt “trapped” in that job. I wanted to be coaching and healing full time, but the money from the job was just too good!
H responded with this… “Michelle, you need to find joy in your job…”. I didn’t like this response – AT ALL! Find joy in a job I really don’t want to be in?? Isn’t that like telling the Universe that I’m happy to be there and to give me more of the same???
But no, finding joy was not about remaining stuck in that job – it was about finding joy so that I could attract more things to feel joyous about! It was about enjoying my journey to freedom, finding joy in every moment, so that I would take myself closer to the joyous life I desired.
Over time, I realised I had started to enjoy going to work again (who would have thought?!) and I was presented with opportunities that I had never imagined I would have been possible. If I’d not searched for the joy in every moment, I would have remained miserable and feeling trapped. Instead, because I did the inner work to shift my focus to the good stuff, I created a positive experience for myself, while still desiring the freedom to work for myself.
As this was all happening, my business began to “morph”, and has become what it is today. It’s like my shift in perspective created new opportunities for me to consider, and the outcome has been more than I could ever have thought possible! Yay!
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