As you become more “aware” of what’s beyond the physical, you’re going to start noticing the “intuitive hits” which seem to come through at times.
In the early days of becoming more aware, I used to wonder if my intuitive hits were actually coming from my head (aka my ego) or from something greater, such as my higher self or Spirit Guides, and it took me a while before I could tell the difference.
After speaking to countless clients about this, I’ve learned that I was not alone! In fact, almost everyone I have talked to about this over the years has at some point wondered the same thing!
Making “negative” choices
It seems that there are a lot of people out there who are acting on inaccurate “intuitive guidance”, and they end up making choices which don’t exactly turn out very well. This can be frustrating and disheartening, especially when they really trusted the guidance they received.
I recently read an article written by Andrea Hess about this and she explains it so well, so I am going to attempt to share this message, in my own words!
Justifying our choices
What we need to remember, is that our minds can be easily manipulated, and we will always find what we perceive to be a good reason to justify most choices that we make – especially if we feel strongly enough about it.
I remember doing this myself many years ago, justifying my choices to make them feel like “the right thing to do” in my mind. Oh boy did those choices kick me in the backside!
Here’s the thing… if I needed to justify a choice to make it feel like it was the right thing to do, then it probably wasn’t the right thing to do!
What to do?
So the first thing that you need to do is to understand how your mind works, and to catch it when it’s justifying your choices.
This awareness is important, because without it, you’ll continue to make “negative” choices based on these “intuitive hits” (which aren’t intuitive hits at all – they’re just your mind justifying a choice you wish to make), and continue to create the same reality that you’re trying to move away from.
The difficult part about this is that more often than not, we’re not even aware we are doing this. So we go ahead making these choices based on what we think is our intuition, and then we’re left wondering why it turned out so badly.
So how can you tell if your intuitive hits are accurate, or if you’re just in your head?
Andrrea talks about some “red flags” that we can look out for, which would indicate something’s up, and I’ll talk about those today.
Red Flag #1
This one brought about the biggest “Aha!” for me, and it’s when our “intuition” tells us that the solution to our problem is at a different dimension from the problem itself.
I had to re-read this one, because while it sounded profound, it took me a few minutes to get this right in my head!
To help you out, here’s an example….
If you have a health issue and your intuitive hits are telling you that the issue can be healed solely with energy or clearing work, you have a problem. This is because your health issue has manifested into the physical (3D) dimension, but energy or clearing work happens in the 4th or 5th dimension.
Any problem which manifests in the physical dimension, such as health issues, relationship problems or money problems, will require some sort of physical (3D) action or effort taken to create a new result.
If you want better health, happy relationships, or more money, then yes, energy or clearing can help, but the issue can’t be completely resolved with that alone – you MUST actually take a physical action as well.
Continuing with the health issue, you decide to make some new choices in order to manifest a new outcome, and it could be that you do the energy or clearing work, but you also make some changes to your diet to help alleviate your symptoms. This is what I’m talking about!
What does this mean?
If your intuition is telling you otherwise, then it could be that you are receiving this “guidance” through a frame of reference which aligns to a strong belief which is held at the level of the mind. Or in most cases (I’m not excluded from this!), it could just be that you don’t want to make a specific choice or take the new action which will be required to solve the problem or to create what you want.
To summarise, a new result requires action at the dimensional level of that desired result. So if you take a close look at what it is you want, work out which dimension that thing sits in. Then once you know what dimension that thing sits in, you then know which dimension you need to take action in!
Red Flag #2
When you receive an intuitive hit which tells you that somebody or something outside of you is going to help you to manifest your desired outcome.
The first thing I would like to say about this is that this is an extremely disempowering mode of thought, and if you think that your input isn’t required to manifest what you want, then you’re going to be sadly disappointed!
Sometimes people receive these “hits” (they’re not really hits but that’s what they “feel” like) because they really don’t want to put in the work that’s required to manifest their desires. It’s like they’re looking for the magic pill that will save them from having to do the hard work!
An example
Let’s say you’re single, and you receive an intuitive hit which tells you that your knight in shining armour is just going to appear and no effort from you is required. So you continue living your hermit lifestyle, never going out, never talking to people and basically keeping yourself shut off from the world…
Do you seriously think this dude is going to do all of the work and somehow find himself knocking at your door with no effort whatsoever from you??? GIRL!!! You’ve got to get yourself out there! Live your life, meet new people, have some fun!
And yes, those things are all EFFORT! So it’s action that you need to take in order to actually meet somebody, right?? Just setting up an online profile (if online dating is your thing) is effort! It is a physical action you may need to take in order to manifest a physical outcome!
So if your intuition is telling you that you can have what you want and somebody else is going to create that outcome for you, then I am sorry to say, it’s not going to turn out so great for you!
Remember… you create your own results through your own choices and action!
Red Flag #3
You think that Universal law doesn’t apply to what your “intuitive hits” are telling you.
Let’s say you have just started a business. And it’s a wonderful business, which is going to help people in a great way, and you receive a “hit” which says that your business is going to go to seven figures within the first month of trading, because your service is so valuable. Not only that but you don’t have to do anything different – you are being looked after and your business will thrive without any additional effort from you.
If any of your intuitive hits are telling you that you’re somehow “more special” than others and this can easily be a reality for you when right now you’re struggling to pay the bills, please be careful. This is unfortunately your ego coming through, and it’s really important that you put that ego back in its place, because it’s causing you to receive inaccurate information!
Just like the remaining seven plus billion other people on the planet, you are unique and special – but no more special than anyone else!
Final words about intuition
Becoming conscious of what your intuition is telling you is a really big step for those of us who have been living our lives without even knowing how much of a “thing” it really is! So many of us have been living our lives unconsciously, not knowing that there were messages coming to us from our higher selves and spirit guides the whole time!
So now that you have some understanding of how to spot the red flags (there are probably more, but this is a good start), you can begin to tap into your intuition more often, knowing which answers are coming from your ego, and which answers may be coming from your higher self or Spirit Guides! This will help you to make choices which align to who you are as a Soul, and to therefore create outcomes which feel good to you!
Want to know more?
I have a number of clients who have been wanting to learn how to connect with their Spirit Guide Team, and I do offer readings for that! See for more information on that! Also, I’ve embedded my How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides video below!
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