Is energy work enough to change my life? In one word, NO! Energy work gets you to about 80% there, but if you’re not prepared to put in the remaining 20% effort that’s required to shift your vibration so that you can create the life that you want, then you have a slight problem!
I’m going to talk you through something that happened to me recently…
I did some clearing around my business and a number of other areas, and energetically things were looking great. But my physical experience was still the same as it always was.
This was before I learned about Soul Realignment, and we often have the assumption with energy work is that the practitioner does the clearing for you and there’s nothing left to do. How wrong we’ve all been!
What I now know is that without your physical action, no amount of energy work is going to get you what you want. The reason why that is, is because if you keep making the same choices over and over again, you’re going to keep creating the same results. So in order to change the results you’re getting, the only way to do this is to change your choices!
If only I’d known this 30 or more years ago!!!
Anything can cause anything
What I have also learned recently is that if you’re struggling in one area of your life, you don’t necessarily need to make any changes in that area of your life because all of your life areas are related.
For example… let’s say you’re struggling with money. After a session with me, you may learn that you need to exercise more in order to improve your financial situation!
Sounds weird right?!?!?!
This differs for everyone, but you may be surprised about what actions you might need to take in order to improve a speicifc area of your life – and it may not be what you think!
My experience
I was recently wanting to attract more clients into my business, so I did a session on myself. What I learned is that I needed to do four things:
- Earthing: Put my feet on the ground for 20 minutes per day, four days per week;
- Review my goals daily;
- Review my calendar daily; and
- Exercise three times per week.
As you can see, not one of those activities has a single thing to do with attracting more clients! But that’s exactly what happened – and all within one week!
In one week I had not only attracted five new clients to my business, but I had also received an opportunity to advertise my business to a Facebook group of 10,000 members, and another client had asked if she could refer clients my way!
Oh ok then!
What changed?
I obviously applied the steps above (and they didn’t feel as wonderful and easy as my usual program, but I did it anyway), and when my friend asked me to advertise on her page, I immediately said “YES!”. But… when it came to the point where I actually had to publish my post, I realised I was terrified!
Until recently, my clients had somehow found me or had been referred to me. I had never had to put myself out there before.
So I did what any woman who wants to truly grow would do, and I published that post, and then I hid for a while! ๐
And you know what? I’ve not yet had a single client come through that post. They’ve all come from referrals or directories!
But the post is irrelevant – my energy shifted the moment I chose to take a new action and followed through. And once my energy shifted, there was no going back!
Is energy work enough to change my life?
So to ask the question if energy work is enough to change my life, I would have to say “no”. Yes, it definitely helps and gets you most of the way through. But it won’t get you all the way there. You MUST take action too. You MUST shift those old patterns which have been keeping you stuck for years! If you don’t make those changes, you won’t see any changes. It’s as simple as that!
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