How to stop making this manifesting mistake
There is one manifesting mistake that people make that is preventing them from having the life that they desire.
Do you want to know what this manifesting mistake is?
I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I want to talk about what I see a lot of people doing, which leads to the making of this mistake!
the manifesting mistake I see
What I often see are beautiful, intelligent individuals who want to really make a shift in their lives, maybe wanting to create financial abundance, better health, to find love, or to simply be happier.
They spend hours upon hours learning about how to create what they want, and over time they become extremely knowledgable on their subject of choice. Some of them may even become experts!
But there is something missing!
What is missing?
What is missing is conscious, aligned action!
While having the knowledge of how to manifest what you want is a really great thing, if you’re not yet taking action or making new choices in order to do so, then it’s just not going to happen!
How to stop making this manifesting mistake
In order to stop making this manifesting mistake, there are a few things you will need to do first, as follows:
- Decide on which new choices and actions you plan to make in order to manifest what you want
- You must actually take the action!
- Consistency is key – if you take the action once and then never again, you’re unlikely going to manifest what you want. It’s like going to the gym once and expecting the body you want to just happen!
- Make sure your choices are aligned with who you are as a Soul – choices which do not align with who you are as a Soul will be unlikely to help you to manifest your desires.
- Use your diary or online calendar to plan out your next day, which should include your planned new choices and actions.
- Every week, review the “sign posts” you saw over the past week, the signs which may be telling you whether your new choices are moving you closer to what you want, or further away.
- Stay focused and be patient! We all want what we want and we want it yesterday, but things need time!
There are probably a number of other things you can to do stop making this manifesting mistake, but the most important two things are this:
- Take action
- Be consistent
If you can do those two things, at least you’re moving in some direction! If it looks as though you’re moving in the wrong direction, it’s time to course-correct to get back on track!
Soul Realignment for Manifesting
In the coming weeks I’ll be offering a new reading type, which focuses specifically on manifesting. If this interests you, keep an eye out on the Soul Realignment page. I will also put something up on the blog when it’s ready to go.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to chat about what type of reading may suit you, please reach out!
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