Are you getting in your own way? We’ve all been there, riding the high wave of excitement when we dive into something new.
Maybe you’re adopting a new diet, starting a new exercise regime, or launching a new business venture. Or you’ve embarked on a spiritual journey, you’re charged up and ready to conquer… until, suddenly, you hit a wall. Days or weeks later, you realise you’ve not progressed at all! In fact, you probably dropped the ball only days after you started!
Why are you getting in your own way?
There are probably thousands of reasons why, but today I’m going to discuss two of them.
Your identity
Your identity is who you are, in this very moment. This aspect of you – which is often referred to as the ego – is doing everything it can to keep you safe.
You see, anything that’s different from the status quo feels unsafe to your identity, or your ego self. It doesn’t like change one little bit, because on some primal level it thinks that change = death!
So what happens when you decide you want to manifest something new, this old identity jumps in and does everything within its power to stop you!
If you’re procrastinating, you’ve allowed yourself to get distracted, if you’re feeling anxious or fearful about your goal, or you simply feel uncomfortable, this is your old identity saying “NOOOO!!!!!”.
Next, you find yourself choosing unhealthy foods, opting out of exercise, or relentlessly “researching” business ideas. Or maybe you’re sitting in front of the TV to avoid taking action.
How you “win” against this identity is to keep going. If you’ve stopped, this is where you need to get started again. You must force yourself to keep going! Eventually, the old identity has to let go, and a new identity is born! Yay!
Misaligned goals or actions
When your goals or your actions are out of alignment with who you are at soul-level, you’re likely to create more trouble for yourself than you really need to! You’re either going to manifest something you really don’t want, or you won’t manifest anything at all!
It becomes a misaligned goal or action (and not your old identity butting in) when you take action, you feel motivated, and self-sabotage hasn’t come into it like I talked about earlier.
But what happens here is that when you’re out of alignment, you’re literally trying to roll a huge boulder up a really steep hill! You’re not making it easy for yourself at all!
How do you handle misaligned goals or actions?
The first thing to do is not beat yourself up. You weren’t given this information the moment you were born!
Your soul is here to experience life, and it doesn’t see misalignment as a bad thing – it just sees it as a new experience. So it won’t stand in your way like your old identity does!
How you stop getting in your own way when it comes to misalignment, is to watch for the feedback. If you’re seeing disaster after disaster, or many things manifesting that don’t match your desire, then either your goal is out of alignment, or your actions are. You have two options:
- Trial and error: You just need to keep trying new and different things until you start seeing feedback that aligns with your goal. If you’re seeing glimmers of sunshine amongst the rain, then you could be on the right track! However, if all you see are disasters and lots of things you do not want, it’s time to course-correct. Try changing your actions first, but if things don’t get better, try tweaking your goal.
- Soulful Manifesting: This is where I can help! Soulful Manifesting is a process where I show you how you are wired to create. As individual souls, you have your own qualities, gifts, and traits. Your goals and your actions must align with these so that you create an abundant experience. Your Manifesting Blueprint covers seven “comparatives” that contribute to the manifesting process. You will sit on a scale between each of these comparatives. Once you know where you sit on each scale, you will know which actions will help you to manifest more efficiently, and whether your goal is in alignment (or not).
Next steps

Manifesting is a process that we all do unconsciously every single day. We manifest without even thinking about it. This is why we often create circumstances that don’t feel good. The best way to move forward is to live more consciously. When you live more consciously, you’re setting goals and taking action in a way that aligns with who you are and with how you are wired to create. That way you’re creating a more abundant result, and in less time, with less mess!
Soulful Manifesting
Manifesting shouldn’t be hard! Click on the button below to find out how to get access to your Soul Blueprint and Manifesting Blueprint so that you can begin the process of manifesting an abundant result, today!
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