Staying consistent when manifesting what you want isn’t as easy as you think – especially when it seems that nothing you try is working. You set the goal, you visualise daily, you write your gratitude lists out religiously every day, but nothing!
If you’re like many people, if you’re not seeing results after some time, you give up and stop trying because it feels as though it just doesn’t work.
Does this sound like you? If so, there is hope!
Just because something hasn’t manifested in the timeframe you were hoping for, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not coming, although it could mean that there’s something better coming for you that you’re not yet aware of.
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably thinking “None of this helps me with this manifesting problem – get to the point and give me some tips, Michelle!”
Alrighty then! Here’s a number of tips to help you to stay consistent when manifesting what you want – even when things don’t seem to be happening for you.
Tip 1: You must align your vibration with what you want
I watched a video of one of my mentors last night, where he explained this so well. In order to manifest change in your physical reality, you must first shift vibrationally.
In order for your physical reality to change into what you want, you must be vibrationally aligned with that change.
So while you may not see any forward movement toward your goal, it doesn’t mean it’s not on its way – your vibration is still in the process of making that shift, and it takes time.
So how do you shift vibrationally?
There are a number of rituals or processes you can follow (more than I could fit in one post), and I’ll list a few here:
Daily visualisations
Get into the feeling of having what you want. Set reminders in your phone to shift into the feeling of having what it is you wish to manifest into your life.
I have an app in my phone that reminds me every hour, on the hour, to get into the feeling place of having what I want – and it feels amazing!
Throughout your day, look for things to feel grateful for. The more you feel gratitude for, the more things you will attract into your life to feel grateful for. Do this all day – keep looking for things to feel grateful for.
Also remind yourself to look for signs that things are shifting for you. They could be really subtle, or they could be “smack in your face” obvious!
Positive aspects process
This is one process I’ve personally used in many scenarios. First, come up with an aspect of your life that you’re not happy about and would like to change. Grab a journal or notebook and write down what that aspect of your life is, at the top of the page. For example, if your job sucks, write at the top, “My job”.
Next, spend at least 5-10 minutes brainstorming everything that is positive about that job, the relationship, your financial situation, your health, or whatever it is you have chosen.
For example, using the job example, you could write the following:
- It provides me with an income;
- It is teaching me what I do not want for myself;
- There is at least one nice person that I work with;
- It is helping to motivate me to look for something better;
- And so on.
And do this every day.
If you’re like me and you have the excuse “I don’t have time to sit down and write this stuff”, then while you’re commuting to work or going for a walk or a drive, brainstorm this stuff in your head at the very least, looking for the positives of that situation.
I know this sounds counter-intuitive if you’re wanting to manifest your way OUT of this situation, but trust me – the shift in your perception will actually create a shift which will either resolve the problem or an opportunity will come along to free you from it. I have a number of clients who can vouch for this!
Tip 2: Work through resistances
We cover this in great detail in the paid course (which is coming!) where I teach you how to identify and clear resistance, but for now I will provide you with a brief outline of how you can do this starting today.
Start here
- Sit yourself down in a quiet place without any interruptions. Lock yourself away in the bathroom if you have to – this always works better when you are relaxed and peaceful.
- Next, think about the thing you want to manifest.
- Immediately become aware of how you feel in your body. Do you feel light and expanded, or heavy and constricted? What thoughts immediately enter your head? They’ll be subtle.
Did you immediately think “No I can’t have this” or something along those lines? Or did you think “YES!!!” instead?
If you felt heavy, constricted or you thought negative thoughts about the topic, you know you will have some resistance to manifesting whatever it is that you want.
When you pick up on resistance, that’s actually a good thing because it shows we are tuned into ourselves and we are being shown where we need to do some work. Cool huh?
Finding answers
Alright, so let’s say we pick up on some heaviness and a thought of “I can’t have that” or something similar. What can you do?
Ask yourself why you can’t have that, or why this isn’t possible for you, and listen intently to what comes immediately into your mind. It may not even make sense!
If you get nothing, ask yourself this: “What is the worst thing that could happen if I were to manifest [the thing]?”
I have a gorgeous client at the moment with a bunch of horrific health issues which keep hanging around. I asked her recently what was the worst thing that could happen if she were to get better. She blurted out: “This makes ZERO sense, but by parents will die!”
She had no idea where that thought came from, but it helped us to pinpoint where she was holding resistance, even though it wasn’t a “logical” reason! So you just never know what could be preventing you from manifesting what you want!
Once you have this answer, it’s time to work through what it means for you. It could just be that you need to look at this from a different perspective, or there could be some old trauma that is popping up. Whatever it is, be sure to understand that this “block” is purely based on your perception about your situation and not necessarily “real”.
If you’re struggling to get answers or you’d like help dealing with your resistances, ask in my Facebook Group and I’ll see what I can pick up for you.
Tip 3: Take only inspired action – no more striving
I’m going to paraphrase what my mentor said about this last night:
This lack of forward movement is Source’s way of teaching us to stop relying on the need to take action, put in physical effort, striving, hard work, to try to achieve our goals to manifest what we want. We need to learn to be more internal, more focused on our vibration and alignment.
What he means by this, is that if we feel like what we’re doing is an “effort”, then we need to stop doing that.
Instead, consider inspired effort! Inspired effort is when you have this sudden urge to do something. You may feel like doing something which has nothing to do with what you want to manifest – it’s just something that you just feel you have to do – or you could feel like doing something which is directly related to your goal.
No matter what it is, it must feel good to do it!
You may be inspired to go for a walk, for example, or to read a book, to grab a glass of water, to call a friend, or even to simply take a bath or a shower!
Moving forward
From this day forward, it’s time for you to let go of what’s happening in your physical reality – it doesn’t matter until your vibrational reality is aligned with what you want. Your focus must purely be on shifting your vibration so it aligns with what you want.
The tips provided here are a small drop in the ocean of the things you can do on a daily basis to manifest what you want, but they are powerful all the same.
Why not try these processes for a week and see what happens? Are you seeing clues that things may be shifting? Are you seeing subtle but real changes in your physical reality? Sometimes a week isn’t enough, but I guarantee that if you make this work a priority for yourself, you’re going to create a shift.
I also welcome you to join our Facebook Group if you’re not already a member, or to comment below if you have any questions or would like some guidance on how to apply some of the tips above. I’m more than happy to help!
Also, coming soon will be several exciting manifesting programs! – stay tuned!
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