How to rapidly manifest what you want
If you want to know how to rapidly manifest what you want, then you’re in the right place, because I am an expert on manifesting results – and fast!
For the last 30+ years I’ve been studying, researching, and applying many manifesting techniques, and it wasn’t until 2022 that I finally understood why my manifesting efforts worked a treat some of the time, but not at other times.
I also used to wonder why I was able to rapidly manifest some things, but not all things.
How manifesting works
To manifest what you want, you must be in vibrational alignment with that thing, person, place, stuff, etc. Without this vibrational alignment, you cannot have what you want. It really is that simple.
This is a topic that’s close to my heart, because when I hear somebody talking about why something hasn’t manifested yet, and they’re saying “Well I’ve done everything I can, so now it’s just the buffer of time…”, I feel extremely frustrated, because this buffer of time is going to be a really, really long time for them unless they make some changes!
How do I know that?
It’s simple really; the reason they don’t yet have what they want is because they are not yet vibrationally aligned with it. Yes, the buffer of time is a thing (it does not take as long as you think though), but you will know pretty early on (once you know what to look for) whether you’re on the right track or not, and if the hints are not already appearing in your reality, then you’re off track and you need to course-correct.
More about the buffer of time
Whenever you want to manifest something specific, you have to make some changes. Otherwise, if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got!
Now, the buffer of time is actually a good thing, because what if you make some changes and they’re not “aligned” with you or your intention? The last thing you want is an instant negative result, right? Life would be rather chaotic if we were instant manifestors!
So the buffer of time gives us time to course-correct as needed, as we move toward our goals. But if you’re three weeks down the track and you’ve not seen a single clue that you’re on track, then you’re going to have to get that map out and work out where you took a wrong turn, then go back there and try again!
How to rapidly manifest what you want
To rapidly manifest what you want, you need to align your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions with not only your desire but also with who you are at soul level. The “alignment with your soul” aspect is one that most people have no clue about!
Until I knew who I was at soul level, I would work towards my desires, and some would manifest, some wouldn’t. Some would manifest quickly and some would seemingly take forever. I always wondered why that was!
Now that I am “enlightened”, I understand that the reason my manifesting results were mixed, is purely because sometimes I was unconsciously aligning with who I am as a soul, and at other times I was not!
So to rapidly manifest what I wanted, all I needed to do all along is make sure my thoughts, my emotions and my actions were aligned with both my desire and with who I am at soul level!
What happens when you’re in alignment with who you are as a soul, is that new things start to happen in your 3D reality (I call this feedback), and these new things can happen as quickly as within a few minutes to a few hours!
You will find yourself in a place where you can tell very quickly by the results you’ve manifested, if they’re moving you toward what you want, or moving you away from what you want, so you can course-correct quickly if needed.
Having this knowledge about who I am and how I am wired to create, has completely changed my life. It’s like I have my very own, personalised roadmap that I can refer to as I work towards my goals.
So while your end goal – your big intention – may not manifest as rapidly as you would like, you’re going to know very quickly (once you know what I know!) if you’re heading in the right direction, and exactly what you need to do if you’re not!
How to find out who you are at soul level
Finding out who you are at soul level is a rather fascinating experience! Many of my clients are blown away not only by how much the details of their soul profile resonates with them, but also by the specific past life experiences that are being reflected in this life as well.
What you also learn during these sessions is why you’ve not been able to manifest specific outcomes, and more importantly, how you can turn this around.
If the idea of rapid manifesting appeals to you and you would like to understand the best way for you to personally create what you want in this lifetime, there are a number of options available, the first of which is a prerequisite for the rest:
- Soul Profile & Realignment: You will gain an intimate understanding of who you are as a soul. You will learn about your gifts, your strengths, and your unique qualities, and you will gain an understanding of why some aspects of your life are a struggle. This session involves an energetic clearing within the Akashic Records, and you will also receive a PDF document that outlines the details contained within your Soul Profile.
- Soulful Manifesting: Soulful Manifesting takes manifesting to a whole new level. This is where we dig deep into exactly how you are wired to create within the 3D, human experience. This is covered over two sessions, and you will receive a PDF copy of your “Manifesting Blueprint” that you will have on hand to refer to for the rest of your life! (coming soon)
- Aligned Abundance Program: The Aligned Abundance Program is designed for those who are sick of going around in circles and are ready to truly step into their power to manifest their greatest desires! This program includes the Soul Profile & Realignment, Soulful Manifesting, and so much more.
Are you ready to rapidly manifest what you want?
Check out the Akashic Records Program
Uncover the secrets to rapidly manifesting your greatest desires!
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