How to meditate if you have a busy brain
Since opening myself up to this world of healing and communicating with guides and spirits, it’s become very clear to me that I need to get better at meditation. To be honest, I also need to make this a daily practice, and not a weekly thing like I’ve been doing!
For years I’ve tried to get myself into that quiet space, but of course my nose starts to itch, I suddenly need to cough or sneeze, thoughts madly pass through my brain and in the end I give up, not feeling like I’ve achieved anything!
Until recently that is….!
I don’t know about you but I’m a natural left brain thinker, analysing all information as it flows into my brain before allowing it to move on. The instructions many teachers give is to “Just let the thought flow in, then out again”, but no. My thoughts have decided to throw an end of year party in there, and they’re pretty excited about it! Ugh!
So now I am going to talk you through two methods for those with busy brains who need help with meditation. Are you ready?
Corpse pose and music
One of my spiritual advisers suggested I play music and lie in the corpse pose (this is just lying on your back with your arms beside you) for 10 minutes every day. She also suggested that the same music be played every time.
While in your meditation, just focus on the music. If a thought comes in, acknowledge it then focus back on the music.
This one “kind of” worked for me, but not really. Nothing really profound happened, but I did feel relaxed and refreshed after, which of course is a good thing!
Focus on your feet and butt
This is a method I learned while listening to a podcast recently, and it works sooo well for me! In fact, it works so well that I now see visions and receive messages during my meditations!
Ok, so sit or lie comfortably (I prefer to lie down), close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to relax yourself.
Now just lie there, focusing on your feet, your toes, the backs of your legs and your butt, and how they feel on the seat or bed. If you have a blanket over yourself, focus on how that feels against your body
If any thoughts come in, acknowledge them, then go back to focusing on your lower body again. Wiggle your toes if you must.
For this method I set my timer for 30 minutes, and I usually finish just before the timer ends, and I often experience seeing images or symbols. I have even had a vision of a chakra spinning!
Let me know how you go!
As you can see, neither of these methods are really complicated, but they work for me by allowing my brain to focus on something other than my thoughts.
If you’re like me and struggle with other methods, I’d really like to hear how you go with this one!
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