The key to manifesting is to act! You can’t sit around and expect things to just happen without taking action.
Most people, when given a nudge from the Universe (aka their intuition), tend to over-analyse the information coming in. The problem with doing this is that it slows or stops the flow and you end up going around in circles, delaying or preventing the manifestation of your desires.
Our default core beliefs or programming is often behind this over-analysis, and is absolutely the reason why you’re probably reading this article, because you’ve probably not yet manifested what you want!
The thing is, we are manifesting every single moment of every single day. What you have right now is the result of your previous thinking, good or bad, so it’s important you train yourself to send positive messages to the Universe so that it can begin the manifestation of things that you do want.
How do I manifest what I want?
The first thing you need to do when you desire something, is to ask for it.
You see, the Universe wants to give you everything that you desire, so be very careful about what asking for. It cannot tell the difference between what you want and what you don’t want – everything just “is”, so if you don’t want something, you’ve got to stop thinking of that!
So how exactly do I ask for what I want?
A good way to ask for what you want is to say, “I am in the process of creating…[fill the blank with what you desire]” or “I have [fill in the blank]”.
Feel how it would feel to receive that thing, and give it so much power that the Universe has little doubt about what you want. Your feelings and emotions are extremely powerful, so really feel those feelings and emotions!
Ok so I’ve asked for what I want. Now what?
It is now time to pay attention!
Listen to the thoughts and signs that appear right away. This could include the messages coming in from those around you. These messages could be subtle or they could be downright obvious!
Is this all I need to do?
No, because now it’s time to act!
Once you’re aware of the messages filtering through, you need to act – and fast! No stuffing around – just act!
As soon as a specific thought comes in, run with it – no matter how weird or “out there” the message may seem – it’s been sent to you for a reason, and there is no time for analysis-paralysis! If it means you need to take a specific action, then take it. If you get a thought about speaking to someone specific, do that. If you suddenly feel like heading to your favourite restaurant, do that.
Whatever it is, follow what it is telling you, it is doing so for a reason, and maybe that sudden desire to head to your favourite restaurant will put you in front of somebody who can help you to manifest your desire – you just never know.
And… that’s it! If you’re listening and you’re acting, you will begin to see the fruits of your efforts because you will be in flow with the Universe and your intuition! Yay!
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