How to manifest something that you want
I am often messaged by people who want to know how to manifest something that they want. With over 30 years of studying and applying the Law of Attraction, I’ve become really good at manifesting, and today I am going to share some tips!
There are a number of steps to follow when you want to know how to manifest something that you want, so I’ll break it down for you. The following steps are just a small portion of the steps you can follow to manifest something that you want, but they’re a great start! If you want to learn more about manifestation and how to create the life that you want, I will soon be launching my free and paid manifestation courses – stay tuned for that!
Step 1: How to manifest something that you want – Get Clear
First, you must decide EXACTLY what it is that you want. If you just want “Lots of money”, that’s not really giving the Universe much to work with! To a poor starving family, $20 is considered a lot! So get specific.
Step 2: How to manifest something that you want – Feel how it feels to have it
Once you’ve decided what it is that you want, it’s time to really get into the emotion. How will it feel to have what you want? Think about how you will feel a year after you have manifested something that you want – how does that feeling differ from the first feeling? Go with the second feeling – it’s usually that which is more closely aligned to how a future version of you will feel once you have what you want!
Get into this feeling as often as you can!
Step 3: How to manifest something that you want – Trust
Trust that you can have that something that you want. So if doubts creep up, shut them down. That’s just your mind chatter going about its day – it doesn’t mean anything. And if your thing hasn’t appeared yet and seems to be taking ages – it’s a sure sign that you’re focusing on the fact that you don’t have it!
So drop those thoughts, and go back into the feeling of having that thing, regardless of what your external circumstances are telling you. Then let it all go, knowing that it’s on its way!
Final note on how to manifest something that you want
Manifesting is a process which begins from within. Before the outside can change, your mindset, your beliefs, and your focus must change first.
The steps outlined here are three of many steps you can follow in order to manifest something that you want.
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