How to have what you want
If you want to know how to have what you want, there’s a method to it, but many of us don’t do it, which is why we’re left wanting.
So what if I could share with you a fun way in which to have what you want? It’s not difficult to do, and it’s actually kind of fun!
Before I get into that, I would like to share an experience I had while journaling the other day.
Here’s what happened…
I was writing in my journal as I do each day, and I’d started by writing down the 5 things I was grateful for, which I do every time. I then pulled a tarot card with the intention of receiving general guidance for that day. I was told I need to love myself more. Ok then!
Pulling a card or a rune often helps me to connect better with my guides, so once I had established a connection, I asked my guides for some help regarding a specific area of my life where I was feeling some frustration.
The message I received was a powerful one. It was also a kind of lecture! Ha!
In not so many words they told me I needed to stop making excuses as to why I couldn’t do what it is I want to do, and to just start doing it! That was the lecture part! But it was also a powerful message!
As you read this, you may not perceive this message to be all that powerful, so let me elaborate and explain to you why this message was exactly what I needed to hear, and why I must share this message with my readers and followers…
I remember learning from one of my mentors a few years back, that I must BE the person I eventually want to become, and DO what they do, so that I can HAVE what they have.
Be. Do. Have.
These three words seem quite simple, but knowing how to live by them isn’t so obvious.
Dr Joe Dispenza says that if you want to create a new reality, you literally need to become somebody else. This is because the current version of you is what created where you are now. So if you’re not happy with where you are now, you absolutely need to become the person who has what you want!
I could probably write an entire book on this, but for today I will attempt to apply this method to a few different scenarios. I will talk through what you may want to create in your life, then I will give you some ideas (these aren’t going to be an exhaustive list, by the way!) which you can apply in an attempt to “Be, Do, and Have”.
Are you ready??
The scenarioYou want a relationship, but you’re single and so far you’ve struggled to meet somebody who really clicks with you.
You begin by pretending you have a wonderful partner who meets all of your essential criteria and he treats you like a queen! Right now he’s away for work, so you’re eagerly awaiting his return.
You carry yourself in a more confident way, you smile more, you feel happy and content! You’re no longer wallowing in self pity.
You take better care of yourself because you want to be your best when he returns. You make room in your wardrobe for him to hang his clothes when he returns.
You’re no longer spending hours upon hours on dating apps, losing the will to live as you see the “quality” of available men out there.
You join a gym and you notice how much the exercise improves your mode and overall vitality.
You make better food choices and your skin begins to glow!
You begin to feel more confident, and you also begin to truly love your life!
All of these wonderful changes you’ve made have turned you into a man magnet!
Your constant happy vibe, your smile, your confidence, and the fact that you are making eye contact with the men around you is literally drawing them in like flies!
Your energy is irresistible and you begin to notice that those around you are changing in some weird way. It’s like the quality of potential partners improves. You are noticed more. It gets to a point where you start to believe that you can have any man you want!
And that’s what you create!
You’re flat broke. You have creditors calling you, you’re constantly overdrawn, and your finances create nothing but stress in your life.
You start your day with the pretend belief that while you were sleeping, a miracle happened and all of your money problems literally disappeared. What a relief, huh?!
You remember this event and feel relief about it, several times a day, allowing yourself to finally feel relaxed about your finances. You feel gratitude for what has happened.
This feeling of relief and gratitude stays with you for the entire day, and then into the week and beyond.
DoWhenever you pay a bill, you feel gratitude that you have the money to pay it (whether you do or not).
You thank the Universe for sending you this situation so that you can work on your abundance mindset, and you visualise every single day, bringing up the feelings of gratitude, relief and freedom as you do – these emotions are powerful!
You go window shopping in stores you previously believed you couldn’t afford to shop in – you have more money than you could ever need, so this experience is so much fun!
Or you may want to visit a car dealership where they sell your dream car, and you have your photo taken while standing next to or sitting in that car.
You search the real estate listings for your dream home, and go for a drive-by or even attend an open house.
The power of emotions cannot be underestimated. The more good feelings you feel, the more good experiences you will attract.
This process brings about financial improvements in the weirdest ways, but it works!
With this one, let go of the “how”. Don’t worry about how your finances will improve – just trust that they will.
You work full time and you hate your job. You would love to be self-employed.
It is time to pretend that you are now self-employed, and when you have to go to your job, you’re actually working on your business, which you LOVE!
Sometimes you need to be creative, but look for similarities between your job and the activities or interactions your business will have.
Feel that feeling of freedom that working for yourself brings, and bring up that feeling several times a day.
Carry yourself as you would as a self-employed person. Do you feel more confident? Act that way! Do you feel more free and relaxed? Then act that way too!
Walk with a spring in your step.
If you already have a business but you’ve not been able to establish it properly due to work commitments, begin small. Start working on your business for an hour or two every day or every couple of days (we don’t want to burn out!).
Think about that business and determine what you CAN do, even though you have job commitments too.
Book one client a week, and build from there if you can.
When you’re in the energy of having your own successful business, the Universe will transpire to deliver that to you.
Like my guides once said to me: Just do what you CAN do despite your lack of time, and things will start to happen!
How to have what you want
If you follow this method, you will absolutely begin to notice changes. They’ll be subtle at first, but before long you will begin to notice more and more and next you’ll have what you want!
If you have a scenario that I’ve not covered here and you’d like help with it, be sure to Contact Me and I’ll create a post about it for you! In the meantime, start working out which areas of your life you’d like to change, and start applying the Be Do Have method. It’ll be worth it!
Be sure to check out my Facebook Group too – maybe we can all share our stories!
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