How to find out about your past lives
Today we’re going to be discussing how there are several ways to access information from your past lives. Today I will share two of the ways that I help my clients to learn about their past lives.
Before we get started though, I probably need to touch on what I personally know about reincarnation!
What is reincarnation?
In a nutshell, reincarnation is the process where once there is a death of the physical body, our soul or spirit body leaves the physical body and moves into the “higher” or “spirit” realms.
After some time, if a soul chooses to do so, it will enter a new body – usually the body of an unborn child – to live another physical life.
There’s a whole lot more to this, including the choosing of the parents, the life lessons to be learned, and the “mission” the soul has chosen for the next lifetime, but I shall leave that for a later discussion!
Many belief systems completely dismiss the possibility of reincarnation, and that’s perfectly fine. However, I’ve personally been through the process of a past life and between lives regression and I know from this experience that there’s a whole lot more to life than simply life and then death!
Why learn about past lives?
Why would anyone want to learn about their past lives? Well… there are several reasons, including:
- Curiosity: Learning about your past lives can be such a fascinating experience! Especially if you have an interest in history or the possibility of life on other planets or realms!
- Fears/phobias/anxiety: More often than not, if you’re suffering from an irrational fear, or an unexplained phobia or anxiety, with no known reason why, this can often be linked to past life trauma.
- Negative beliefs or patterns of choice/action: Do you find you repeat negative patterns or you struggle with negative beliefs that hold you back in this life, but you’re unable to understand why? This can be linked to a pattern that originated in a past life that is still playing out now.
I’ve just scratched the surface here for reasons why one would want to learn about their past lives, and during a session with me you’ll usually get more than you bargained for!
So let’s move on to the ways in which you can find out about your past lives!
Past Life or Between Lives Regression
A Past Life Regression (PLR) or a Between Lives Regression (BLR) is the best way to get a first-hand view of your past lives if you’re unable to remember these yourself (some people do remember their past lives, but this isn’t all that common).
During a PLR or a BLR, I guide you into a hypnotic trance state called the “Theta” state. This is the space between being awake and asleep, and is an extremely relaxed state.
While in the Theta state, you are completely aware, you’re able to think and analyse, and you can even move if you need to (although it’s not recommended as this may bring you out of this state).
Once in this state, you are guided back through time, and into a past life. I take you through several scenes within this life, moving forward until we reach the “death scene”. Sometimes we touch on more than one past life.
Throughout this process, I will attempt to receive answers to the list of questions you sent me before your regression, and I will do this by asking your higher self, your subconscious, or even your spirit guides or loved ones in spirit.
During your regression, you may receive some healing and even some insight as to why you have chosen to incarnate at this time, and you may learn about your soul’s purpose or other relevant information to this current life.
In a BLR we spend quite a bit of time in the bit between your death in the past life and your next incarnation, and a great deal of higher wisdom can be received during this time.
Your session is also recorded, whether your session is via Zoom or face-to-face, and the audio is sent to you within a couple of days of your regression. The great thing about having a recording of this session is that you will most likely forget a lot of what happened while you were hypnotised, so listening to it again later will provide you with a whole lot of additional insight!
What I love about the PLR and BLR is that it provides clarity and understanding of why things are how they are in your current life, and you will often receive specific guidance on how to navigate current challenges. Plus you get to experience the past lives first-hand, which is always a fascinating experience!
Akashic Records Reading
The Akashic Records Reading is called the “Soul Profile & Realignment”, and is quite different from a PLR or a BLR in that I do all of the work before your reading! You don’t personally go into your past life at all! I do this for you!
Before your session, I request information from you about any issues you are currently experiencing in your life when you book. I then spend some time (usually up to a couple of hours) within your Akashic Records to find out why these issues are occurring in your life now.
More often than not, I am taken to several past life events that are linked to the issues you are experiencing now. These events are often linked to a back story that I am able to collect information about, and I report these stories to you when we meet via Zoom.
The beauty of an Akashic Records Reading is that you don’t have to be present while I conduct the research, and you are also presented with a PDF of your Soul Profile.
The Soul Profile is customised to you, and includes your soul gifts, qualities, and strengths so that you can gain an understanding of why you are the way you are, and why you thrive in some situations and not so much in others.
During this session, I also discuss areas of your life where you may be depleted energetically, and together we create an action plan to help you to step out of these “negative” exchanges, and into your power so that you can create a life that aligns with your desires.
This is a big and powerful session, and your Soul Profile is your “roadmap” for life!
Other ways to learn about your past lives
There are other ways to learn about your past lives, such as through meditation and other means, and you can even follow an online version of a guided past life regression. However, these are not tailored to you specifically, so you will not necessarily receive the specific answers or guidance that you seek.
Are you interested in delving into your past lives?
If you wish to experience your past lives first-hand or vicariously through me, I offer sessions for both type of sessions:
- Past Life Regression (offered as a single session, or as part of a package with a Between Lives Regression); or
- Soul Profile & Realignment.
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