How to feel happier by doing this one thing
We all want to feel happy. Some of us struggle more than others to get to that happy place and this is such a shame, because your happy place is where the magic happens. So if you manage to do this one thing, you will instantly feel better.
Want to know what it is…?
It’s actually quite simple really… Just surround yourself with happier people. The happier your surroundings, the happier you will feel. It’s amazing the difference you will feel when mixing with unhappy people vs happy people.
I know a woman who is always unhappy. Even when things are great, she’s got something to complain about. It’s almost like she doesn’t want to be happy and in some way she enjoys her misery! I just don’t get it!
After only a few minutes in her presence, I can feel my vibration dropping and I need to take space away from her.
On the other hand, if I’m hanging out with a particularly high vibrating friend, I immediately feel my own vibration lifting along with hers. Between us we become this happy, vibrating energy ball, sending our happy vibes out to anybody who is open to receiving them – and we have loads of fun!
So the moral of this story is to check your surroundings and who you are choosing to associate with. Are these people lifting your mood or lowering it? You will feel subtle shifts in your energy and mood as you interact with them.
As you become more conscious of this, you may find you need to take space from particular people for a while until you’re able to get back to your happy place again.
Eventually, the lower vibration people in your life will either begin to raise their vibration to align with you, or they’ll drop off to make space for those who are aligned.
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