How do I get over being scammed $40,000?
Losing money via a scam or otherwise is never going to be an easy thing to stomach, but it happens to many people, every single day.
My husband and I have also been subject to some financial losses over the last couple of years, none of it justified, and at the time it hurt – a LOT!
When something like this happens, the last thing you should do is spend any energy feeling angry about being “ripped off” or wanting revenge, or beating yourself up for allowing it to happen. Instead, it’s important to look for the lessons.
In our case, we realised we weren’t listening to our intuition, our inner guidance, which was attempting to protect us. So we took actions that we never would have taken if we were paying attention to what our intuition was saying.
Almost a year ago we were financially at rock bottom. We had only one income coming in (mine), my husband was badly injured shortly after that and required surgery, then two months later I had to rush him to the hospital yet again after he woke me at 4.30am in excruciating pain.
Thankfully he was ok and has healed well from his surgery, but we had a few hairy months! During this time we had two choices:
- To worry and stress about how we were going to pay our bills, shake our fists at those who had previously “ripped us off”, and feel like the whole world was against us; or
- Consider the meaning behind our situation, learn the lessons, forgive ourselves and others for our situation, and focus solely on raising our vibrations.
So here’s what we did:
- We listened to several Abraham-Hicks videos every single day – this taught us that we had created our reality and we also had the power to create a new and better reality.
- We walked outside in bare feet regularly – this grounding technique is a wonderful, healing process!
- We started writing down what we wanted – what were our goals and dreams?
- We visualised the feelings associated with achieving our desires – this is soooooo powerful.
- We built our belief that our trials of the previous year were purely lessons to prepare us for the wonderful times ahead.
- I completed energy healings on the both of us every couple of days – like most people, we had many old, trapped traumas and core negative beliefs which were causing us to keep attracting what we didn’t want. Releasing these old traumas has cleared the way for abundance to start flowing again.
So as you can see, we didn’t curl up under a table in the fetal position, waiting for this to blow over. Instead, we focused on raising our vibration and aligning more with what we DO want, as opposed to what we DON’T want.
What has happened since that time is that our abundance has started to flow again, my husband and I have both felt more inspired, happy and in flow. I know things will never go back to where they were before, because we have learned the lessons from those times. And I now know that better is coming and the lessons helped us to prepare for them.
What you focus on gets bigger. So instead of focusing on the horrible things that have happened to you, try shifting this around and focusing on what you DO want instead, and see what happens?
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