How do I detach from the outcome?
One of the key elements to manifesting what you want is detachment. If you’re unable to detach from what you want, you’re coming from a place of lack, which of course attracts more lack into your life.
Detaching from something you desire is easy if you know how to do it. It’s not as easy as just saying to yourself, “Ok I’m detached now!”, but you are going to feel very pleased with what I’m about to tell you!
Before I tell you, I really must give credit to Nick Breau, who taught me this in his In the bank money manifesting course (this comes as a part of the membership to his mastermind group)! This little gem is so easy and you’ll wish you’d learned about this sooner!
So here it is…
- Get your self a small statue, something you can place on a desk or table – this statue represents your higher self. Nick has a Yoda as his statue, and my statue is pictured here in this post with her “daughter”, her dog and her butterfly. You can choose anything you want, as long as it symbolises something extremely positive for you.
- Place this statue on a table or desk in your room or office – it must be placed where you’ll see it every day.
- It is important to remember that this statue represents your higher self and it is its job to deliver whatever you want to manifest.
- Write your desire on a post-it note and place it under your statue.
- Trust that your statue is working in the background to manifest whatever it is you desire.
I love this so much, because it’s simple, but it’s soooo powerful when you pair this with your own alignment with what you want! I just write down my desire, I place it under my “Mini-Me” as I call her, and I say “Hey Mini-Me! Just another thing for you to manifest for me please! Within a day of following this practice, she delivered on the first thing I asked for!
So go get your statue and start letting him/her know what you want! 🙂
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