How a past life regression healed shoulder pain
Shortly after becoming certified to do past life regressions, my husband Laurie was keen to be my first test subject! He had injured his left shoulder in a major car accident some years before we met, and it was still causing him pain to this day. He was wondering if this shoulder injury had a past life connection.
Our session began and Laurie went into a trance quite quickly. I regressed him through this current life, asking him questions along the way. Next we moved into his time in the womb before we found him on a beach in a time long ago.
He was a big, strong man in his 30’s and he was looking out to sea. Emotionally he was in a bad place, having been banished from his home due to an affair he’d had with the queen. He felt like he wanted to take his own life.
He had been caught with the queen, and was subsequently shot in the shoulder with an arrow before he escaped. He felt hatred toward the queen who had betrayed him and was very down on himself at this time.
Me: Tell me more about this wound.
Laurie: I was shot. With an arrow. And the arrow is still in my shoulder.
Me: So the arrow wasn’t pulled out after you were shot?
Laurie: No. I couldn’t get it out so I left it and it eventually healed over, but it is painful.
We moved on to other events during this life time when a few moments later, it seemed as though his personality had changed – it was like somebody else had taken over.
Laurie: My shoulder. It can be drawn out now.
Me: You mean the arrow can be drawn out?
Laurie: Yes.
Me: You want me to do a healing now?
Laurie: Yes. Remove the energy of this arrow now.
This was the first time I had ever taken anyone through a “proper” past life regression, so I had absolutely NO idea what I was supposed to do, so I improvised!
I called in my healing guides along with Laurie’s healing guides (we all have these!), and asked them to assist me in removing the energetic arrow from Laurie’s shoulder.
For several minutes we worked, and I could “see” the arrow slowly leaving his shoulder, before it was finally removed and bathed in white light before it disappeared.
The session continued, and we were told that Laurie empbrace forgiveness for himself and for others, before the pain will go away.
Since that session, he did work on forgiving himself and certain others, and I have to say his shoulder has improved a LOT! He doesn’t quite have full movement yet, but it’s so much better than it was!
Symbolically the shoulders reflect the “weight of the world”, so if you’re struggling with your shoulders, there could be some type of burdon you’re carrying. As it was his left shoulder, this reflects the past, and as we learned from going back into this particular lifetime, he certainly had something going on with his shoulder back then!
What I love about past life regressions is firstly how interesting they are! The historical information which comes through (not really covered here) is fascinating, but I especially love how these past life events can be linked to current events in a person’s life and subsequently healed!
If you’ve ever considered having a past life regression and would like further information, visit the Soul Regression & Hypnotherapy page on this site.
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