This morning I conducted a Life Situation Reading for a beautiful client and with her permission, I am going to share some of what we discussed. What came out of this reading was truly incredible!
I will call this client “Lisa” for the purpose of this post in order to protect her identity – I just really wanted to share this story because even I was blown away by what was uncovered!
Lisa’s background
Lisa has a number of issues happening in her life, and in particular she mentioned the following:
- She has a close family member who is extremely sick right now and she’s really worried about them
- She’s carrying some emotional trauma from a previous relationship
- She has her own health issues, which are also quite serious
Before the reading
Prior to meeting with a Life Situation Reading client, I access the client’s Akashic Records, and I use the information I find there to group the list of issues into situations. The purpose of this is to make sure I’m addressing “linked” issues with each other, and not treating them as separate.
Sometimes several issues are linked to the exact same set of blocks and restrictions, even if the issues seem to be unrelated.
For example, you could have a flooded house linked to your sinus problems, or a sick cat linked to your TV breaking down, when I’m doing this grouping! Sometimes it’s kind of weird how these things link up!
When I completed this reading for myself, the issue of things breaking in my house (air conditioning broke, dishwasher broke, septic system stopped working, and spa blew a pipe which flooded downstairs – all within a short period of time) was linked to my car’s computer throwing a hissy fit!
These things don’t seem to be “linked” theoretically, but when we go back to what the blocks and restrictions are (many of these will be from past lives) and how they are playing out now, we can usually see the connection.
In addition to the above, I accessed information about Lisa’s Soul Profile. This helps me to understand who she is as a Soul, why she does some of the things she does, and also what actions she could take in the future which align with her Divine Soul Blueprint.
The last point is important because when we act in misalignment to our Divine Soul Blueprint, we create more blocks and restrictions!
How Lisa’s issues were grouped
As mentioned above, I connected to Lisa’s Akashic Records (I always seek permission from the client first), and I grouped the issues she’d provided to me, into Situations:
- Situation #1: Lisa’s family member’s illness
- Situation #2: Emotional trauma and personal health issues
Sometimes a client will have 3 or 4 situation groupings, but having only 1 or 2 is quite common. It also depends on how many issues I am grouping for the client.
Blocks and restrictions
Once I have grouped the issues into Situations, I am now ready to identify any blocks or restrictions which are creating each situation.
A grouping of blocks and restrictions is called a “pattern” and it’s these patterns which dictate our unconscious choices. If you’re running a negative pattern, your unconscious choices will be negative and will be creating a negative experience in your life.
Again, this information is collected from the Akashic Records.
Blocks and restrictions relating to Situation #1
Lisa had three blocks and restrictions which related to her very sick family member:
- Karmic imprint
- Independent negative thought forms x 4
- Chakra imbalance
Blocks and restrictions relating to Situation #2
Lisa had six blocks and restrictions contributing to this situation, and these related to her emotional trauma and her current health issues.
- Karmic belief
- Unjustified karma
- Contract
- Chakra imbalance
- Illusion
- Unjustified karma (this was from a different life to the first one above)
After I have identified all of the blocks and restrictions, I complete additional research from within the Akashic Records, to find out what caused each block or restriction, when it happened, and the story behind each one.
The Soul Story
Lisa has a number of blocks and restrictions which relate to each of her current life situations, so for simplicity, I will share Lisa’s past life stories in chronological order, before moving onto the current stuff…
Story #1
Two lives ago, Lisa had a sister who was extremely sick. Lisa and her sister created a “healing contract” at this time, where Lisa was on the “giving” end, which actually depleted Lisa considerably during that lifetime.
Story #2
Three lives ago, Lisa was incarnated as female and when she was 18, she betrayed her sister in that lifetime by running off with her sister’s man. At the time, she felt she had no other option, and figured she’d have to “Take it or leave it” where he was concerned, or she’d end up an old maid.
Story #3
Seven lives ago, Lisa was incarnated as male. At the age of 26 he stole from a friend of his, leaving his friend without any money to survive. His attitude toward his friend and what he did, was “No pain, no gain”, as a means of justifying his actions.
Story #4
Twelve lives ago, Lisa was incarnated as a female, and one day when she was 25, she was swimming with her daughter in a waterhole, such as a lake or a dam. Unfortunately her daughter drowned that day, and she never forgave herself and carried the energy of “Self doubt” for the rest of her life and every life since.
Current stuff
Lisa has a number of negative thoughts which are running subconsciously in her mind:
- Unconsciousness
- Inhibition
- Suffering
- Isolation
All of these thoughts are running through either the 2nd or 6th chakra.
In addition to this, Lisa also has two chakras out of balance – the 2nd and the 6th!
What this all means and how it’s playing out now
Lisa’s Divine Soul Blueprint information told me that she’s extremely giving. So giving in fact, that she often depletes herself in order to help others. She also feels like a bit of an outcast at times – kind of like she’s a tourist in a foreign country. She agreed she is very much like this!
Story #1 tells me that because Lisa gave so much of herself in that lifetime, it’s kind of like she’s trying to recoup the lost energy by becoming sick herself so she can receive healing instead of giving it. Of course this is all subconsciou!
Story #2 is a cracker, because Lisa admitted that she had done the exact same thing to her sister in this current lifetime! So you can see that the energy from Lisa’s past life event continued to play in this lifetime, causing Lisa to make unconscious choices which re-created what happened three lives ago!
Story #3 confirms for me that Lisa doesn’t believe she can have a happy, fulling and wonderful life unless she experiences pain first, thanks to the “No pain, no gain” energy from that life.
Story #4 was very interesting! I had no idea that Lisa had a fear of water before her reading, but she does – and in particular when the water is still, such as in a waterhole or lake. She’s perfectly fine in running water! The Self Doubt from this lifetime plays out in Lisa’s life to this day too – she really doesn’t trust herself. She also tends to overcompensate with her kids in this lifetime, as a way to make up for what she blamed herself for in that particular past life.
The remaining blocks and restrictions were current life issues, and the negative thought energy was also spot on for Lisa and where her thoughts tend to go when she’s not focusing on them.
As for the 2nd and 6th chakra imbalances, they also aligned with both of Lisa’s situations.
The 2nd chakra impacts on your ability to feel joy, and after our reading, Lisa messaged me to tell me that she was researching 2nd chakra issues and found that fear blocks this chakra. Just that morning she had advised her sick family member to “walk through the fear”! Lisa also confirmed during the reading that it was very difficult to get into a joyful place (which is not surprising given what she’s going through) but she had been trying.
The 6th chakra imbalance was also interesting for me as Lisa is currently suffering from a condition which affects her brain. So this wasn’t a surprise for me, and it made complete sense why she’s struggling with her health in this area.
Lisa’s actions
Lisa is going through a lot of stuff right now and I didn’t want to overwhelm her with a list of 100 actions for fear of overwhelming her (I would never suggest that many actions – don’t worry!!).
But I did feel that we needed to address her 2nd and 6th chakra imbalances, as they were likely a big contributor to both of her grouped Situations, especially as each situation had a chakra imbalance linked to it.
So together we came up with a number of physical actions Lisa could take in order to rebalance those chakras (based on what they affect in our life and our health), and of course Lisa also received 21 days of reading homework to help embed the Akashic Records Clearing I had completed prior to our call.
It was such an awesome reading and I hope you have found my description of what happened to be as fascinating as I do!
Want to know more?
If the idea of a Soul Realignment or Life Situation interests you or you’d like to know more, please visit the Soul Realignment page, or reach out and we’ll have a chat!
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