Finding joy in a job you don’t enjoy
Why on earth would anybody want to find joy in a job they don’t enjoy? Most people while whinge about their job, or they’ll leave. But finding joy?? Why???
A couple of years ago, I found myself in a job I really wasn’t enjoying. Getting up to go to work each day was a struggle, especially in winter. I dreaded the thought of getting up the following morning in the cold, to do the 1.5 hour commute each way, only to spend my day in a job that completely bored the living sh*t out of me!
Doug my mentor (he’s an intuitive healer and coach who has great wisdom!), told me during one of our sessions that I need to find complete joy in my job before I can attract any change to my situation. Whaattt??
It was in this moment that I began to wonder if he was the mentor for me – just kidding – but he did have me wondering why he would suggest something so ludicrous!
I trust Doug, and I trust he knows what he’s talking about, so I began completing a number of daily rituals to get myself closer and closer to that feeling of joy that I was wanting. These processes did in fact get me closer to that feeling of joy, and I am going to share them with you now. I am also going to share with you why it was so important for me to experience joy in a job I didn’t like.
Ok, so there were a few processes (I had a lot of work to do!), and I’ll list them off here, with a brief explanation of each:
- The book of Positive Aspects – from the book, Ask and it is given by Abraham-Hicks, this process is all about listing the positive aspects of the parts of your life that you like, as well as the positive aspects of the parts of your life that you don’t like. When I started writing the positive aspects of my job, I was actually surprised to see that there were so many things to list!
- Pre-Paving – this is also from Ask and it is Given, and is about making the decision to have a great work day, before you even arrive at the office. Pretty straight forward, I think!
- Gratitude – this is a biggie, and I was able to feel gratitude for all of the items in my Book of Positive Aspects
- Segment intending – another process from Ask and it is Given (you seriously need to buy this book if you don’t have it already), this one is about making a decision before every segment of your day, for it to be a positive experience. For example, before you attend a meeting, you decide it is going to be a great meeting. If a new person enters the meeting, that’s another segment and you again intend for that next segment to be a positive one. I’ll post more on this one in a later post.
Every day I would follow the rituals above, and before long I actually felt a shift and I began to look forward to my work days. My work became more enjoyable, and that feeling of joy began to creep in!
What has happened since this shift is that my business (where my heart is) began to shift too – my initial focus shifted and I took my business down another road, and it feels wonderful to bring it to where it is now! I am working with some amazing women right now who are struggling with stress, anxiety, “unexplained” illnesses, subconscious limiting beliefs, weight loss, and so much more, and I feel great joy in being able to lead them toward the light at the end of the tunnel!
So why did Doug tell me I needed to find joy in my job before I was able to move away from it?
The answer is a very simple Law of Attraction concept:
You attract what you think about.
So when I was feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in my job, I was sending out a very clear message to the Universe to keep sending me the same stuff. And that’s exactly what I kept getting.
But then I shifted my focus to the positives of my job, and spent time focusing on each aspect, it shifted things to a point where my positive thoughts began to outnumber my negative thoughts.
I therefore attracted a positive shift!
When I’m working with a client, their feelings and focus are the most important things to address, and a big chunk of my sessions involve taking them through this process so we can begin that shift as quickly as possible. This shift then becomes the catalyst for all of the good that is about to come their way!
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