“Find your happy place” technique
If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts or you’re feeling down, this little technique may be exactly what you’re looking for, because it will help you to find your happy place!
As you may have learned by now, if you’re thinking or feeling negatively, you are in the process of attracting situations, events or people who match that vibration, so it’s important to nip things in the bud before you find yourself in a downward spiral, and to a place you really don’t want to go!
What I like about this exercise is that it’s not about pushing your feelings aside or trying to “forget” what made you mad/sad/upset in the first place. Instead you are going to acknowledge each thought or feeling, and then you’re going to make your little shift. I love this technique!
So here it is…
- Grab a notebook and a pen and draw a line across the top, leaving room for a heading, then draw another line down the middle. So you have like a “t” drawn.
- At the top of the left column, write “Reality”.
- At the top of the right column, write “Desire”
- Down the left side of the page, under the heading of Reality, using a line or two for each, write down what you’re thinking and feeling (see example below), and write it in present tense.
- On the right side of the page, write down a statement which is the opposite of what you have written on the left side of the page. For example, if you have written “I feel sad” on the left side, write “I feel happy” on the right. Keep your wording in present tense.
- Read what you have written in the right hand column, two or three times.
- How do you feel?
Here’s an example:
Reality | Desire |
I feel sad | I feel happy |
My life sucks | My life is wonderful |
I am fat and lazy | I am slim, healthy, fit and strong |
I have no energy | My energy levels are at an all-time high |
No man could love me | I have more men flocking to me than ever |
It feels much better to read the items listed under the Desire heading, right? This is because this is more aligned with what your inner being is thinking, and you’re therefore feeling less contrast when you focus on these positive words.
What you might want to do is complete this exercise every morning, before you start your day. What is is going is re-wiring your brain to think a little differently, and while you may not notice any positive changes at first, I can guarantee you that this ongoing energetic effort will create some significant changes for you as you continue through your life!
Give it a try for 30 days and document what happens! You may even want to go back through your daily notes and compare the differences you see in the Reality column at Day 1, compared to Day 30 – you might be surprised!
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