Does learning improve your health?
Does learning improve your health? I believe so. In particular, I believe it contributes significantly to your state of mind and emotional well-being.
Today I finally submitted my final answers for my Inspired Spirit Coaching certification, and while I’m already a certified coach, I felt the need to expand my knowledge of coaching from a Law of Attraction perspective, as opposed to the traditional “practical” methods used, and I have to say, I did learn a lot from this experience, and I look forward to finding out if I passed!
I never want to stop learning, because when I learn something new, it’s like I’m expanding in some way, and I never want to stop expanding either (energetically, not physically!)! It just gives me a sense of satisfaction when I complete my learning of a particular subject, which often leads me to learning about something else!
When I started my first coaching certification, wellness coaching was quite different to the wellness coaching I do now. In fact, you probably wouldn’t recognise my old ways of doing things, because my coaching now has a strong Law of Attraction element. It also has a significant focus on emotional and energetic blocks and limiting core beliefs, which I work with my clients to clear. This way of doing things is far better than my old way. The reason I feel this way is because I’m now getting to the cause of my client’s problem – we’re not just trying to address the symptoms, and this is why my clients are better off for my new knowledge.
If I’d not learned these additional methods of coaching, then I wouldn’t be able to apply this knowledge during my coaching sessions. So not only is my learning helping me, but it’s helping my clients too!
Alright, I’ve talked too much about me, so now it’s time to talk about you…
Are you feeling stale right now or like you have no clear direction, or are you just feeling stuck?
What’s an area you would like to know more about? It could be a professional pursuit, or a personal one – it doesn’t matter.
What do you need to do in order to learn more about that topic? Could it be something as simple as reading a book on the topic? Are there courses being offered, which might interest you? What else could you do in order to learn about this?
Is there anything stopping you from at least investigating what’s possible? I think not, so it’s time to get started!
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