Do you have all your ducks in a row?
Do you have all your ducks in a row? Yes? No? It actually doesn’t matter, and I’m going to explain why this is so…
What are you wishing to create in your life? Is it more money, is it a new job or career, is it a loving relationship, or something else? If you’ve not created this already, what are you waiting for? What’s stopping you?
Why we all seem to want our ducks in a row
Many people want to have all their ducks in a row before they take specific action, because they’re afraid that if they’re not in a row, they’re going to fail, or worse – be judged!
I’ll give you an example based on my own experience if you like…
I worked for a VERY LONG TIME in the finance industry. At first it was great because I was on a steep learning curve, but I found that in nearly every job I had, I ended up feeling bored after a while. When I was 24, I asked myself, “Is this all there is?? Surely I’m meant for more in this life?!?!?!?“. More than 20 years later, and after 30+ years working in that industry, I finally learned what I was supposed to do!
But… did I do anything about it straight away?? No! I had to wait until I had all my ducks in a row first!
Why we hold ourselves back
My waiting for the ducks to sort themselves out was a form of procrastination. I wanted a 100% guarantee that whatever I decided to do with my life, it would be a success. So I procrastinated.
Plus I wasn’t sure about what to do with my life until only 5 years ago. So did I act then? Nope!
Another reason I used these “ducks” as my excuse is because I feared judgement. I didn’t want others to perceive me as mad for changing direction, or weird for going into a field that’s not considered “mainstream”.
I could beat myself up for those years that I’ll never get back, but will that achieve? All I can really do that’s going to help me, is accept what is, and make new choices going forward.
Start with just one duck
A wise woman once said, “Don’t wait until you have all your ducks in a row… Start with just one duck!“. Great advice! And also scary advice! But also powerful advice!
Andy Shaw, the writer of Creating a Bug Free Mind has a lot to say about risk and “failing”. He wants to “fail” as quickly and as often as possible. The reason for this is because the more failures he experiences, the more successes he will also experience.
I’m still reading the book and it’s certainly given me a new way to think about things, and I’m feeling less “afraid” of putting myself out there, that’s for sure!
So sometimes you do need to start with just one duck. I wouldn’t suggest you completely turn your life upside down, but I will suggest that you take a step toward what you want to create – even if it’s a little one!
No more fear
My fear of judgement held me back for much too long, and now that I think about it, why do I care what others think?
My clients are happy, and I absolutely LOVE what I do – so what Joe Bloggs down the road thinks of me, is NONE OF MY BUSINESS! 🙂
Discovering your life path
For many, and I was one of these people too, they have NO CLUE about why they’ve chosen to incarnate on this planet at this time. So what if you could find out what your chosen purpose is in this lifetime?
Would that at least give you an idea of what your next steps could be? It could be that you’re already on the right path, but you’re making choices which are misaligned, so you’re creating an experience that doesn’t feel good. So what if you could find out what you’re doing wrong so that you can begin to make choices which will help to create an experience you want?
If you’re feeling lost or stuck and not sure which direction to take, click on the button to find out how you can create a shift in your life.
Soulful Manifesting
Create the life of your dreams!!
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