I came across a person recently who was holding onto a lot of anger and resentment to her mother who had passed away recently. Her mother had treated her badly throughout her life, and over the last five years the feelings have only gotten stronger.
She talked about all of the bad decisions her mother had made, and how terrible she was as a parent, and despite all of this, she was wanting to get to a point where she could feel at peace when she thought of her. She wants to forgive her for all that she did, but she couldn’t get past her anger.
So now we come to the question, “Did I really pick my parents?”, and the answer is a very strong “YES!”.
There are a number of reputable professionals out there who have stumbled across this topic by accident, who later went on to document hundreds, if not thousands of case studies. If you’ve not read “Journey of Souls” by Dr Michael Newton, you may want to start there.
What Dr Newton and many others found when regressing a subject to a time before they were born into this life, it was found that every single one chose this life. They chose their families based on any lessons or support they would need in this lifetime, and they even chose when they were likely to leave this lifetime.
I recall during my own Between Lives session where I was taken to a place where I was given a number of choices for this life. I could have been a young boy living on a remote farm in Europe, I could have been a wealthy (and very vain) woman in LA, I could have been a woman who lived a simple life with little drama, or I could have chosen the life of me!
So why did I choose my life, with all of its pain and struggles that I’ve suffered in this life??
The reason was that the boy’s life and the simple life just seemed too “easy”. I wanted to learn and to grow, and I didn’t like the vain woman, so I chose to become the person I am now. My soul purpose is to help others and I believed I would help more people being me, than any of the other lives I could have come into.
So, back to the woman who was holding onto anger… here’s the advice I gave her…
I told her that we pick our parents before we are conceived, so that we can learn a particular lesson in this lifetime.
I also recalled Tony Robbins once saying “If my mother had been who I wanted her to be, I wouldn’t be the man I am now…”. VERY powerful words!
I also reminded her to never allow another’s treatment of her in the past to take her power in the present.
Her mission now was to determine the lesson and send her mother on her way, in peace.
So the answer to the question of whether you really chose your own parents, again, is “YES”!
If you’d like to learn more about the work that I do or if you have any questions, please contact me.
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