Some time ago I had the pleasure of studying with the Arthur Findlay College in the UK, where in one course we were taught how to tell the difference between our own thoughts, the messages from loved ones in spirit, the messages from another person’s Soul, and the messages from our Spirit Guides.
It was actually quite easy to tell the difference, once I was shown how to do it!
Why I created the “How to Connect to Spirit Guides” video
Often when I’m working with a client, the topic of Spirit Guides come up. I have been asked so many times how I do it, so I decided to create a little guided video to explain what I do, rather than try to explain it on a call. This obviously saves time so we can focus on the work we’re doing together, and this is something they can go and listen to later if they wish.
Now just to set your expectations here… this is by no means some high-quality studio production! This was recorded at my desk at home (using a quality mic at least!), and I mixed it myself, as I do with my podcasts, so it’s not going to make the best-sellers list anywhere any time soon (or ever, seeing as I’m sharing it for free!)
Spirit Guides Connection Video
Here’s what I suggest you do with this:
- Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down
- Listen to the video, following my instructions
- Try again in a day or a few while following along
- Try to connect in another day or a few, without the use of the video
It’s a really simple process and goal is to empower you to be able to do this without my help (or the help of my video).
Things to note
It’s really important to remember to notice how you feel in your body when you start, so that as your Spirit Guides come in, you will literally feel a difference.
For me, it feels like they’ve come in through my aura and they’re standing right behind me, and usually behind my right shoulder. Some come through to the left, but not as many.
When I am communicating with loved ones in spirit, they feel different again, kind of like they’re pushing on my aura but not actually pushing through, if that makes sense. I also feel them from behind me, and the left/right depends on which side of the family they are from.
Then there’s communication with another’s Soul! I usually feel that out in front, and it feels like something is “projecting through” my energy field.
You may feel completely different sensations to the above, and that’s perfectly ok. But you can tweak this process to apply to the beings you wish to speak to (Spirit Guides, loved ones, somebody’s Soul, etc), and notice the difference between each.
I hope you find this little video helpful! I plan to create some courses in the new future to help with Spirit Guide communication (and other stuff), so please keep an eye out for those!
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