When I started learning about energy work, I felt as though all of my problems were about to be solved! I wouldn’t have to do any more “inner work”, and I could just do a session on myself, and the issues would just disappear!
How wrong I was!
Since getting into this work in 2018, I have learned (the hard way) that while we can help move things along and release any trapped energies or imbalances, we’re not going to experience any real changes until we make the inner changes to go along with this work, otherwise you’ll end up right back where you started.
Let me give you a couple of examples…
Dealing with gut issues
Earlier this year my husband was suffering from an extremely painful condition, and after several mis-diagnoses, we learned that not only was his condition painful, but it was dangerous if not treated very soon, with major surgery.
Throughout this time, he kept saying “But you can heal me!”, and I kept replying with “There’s much more to it than that, and you don’t have the time to wait for my stuff to work!”.
After some pushback, he finally relented and he was quickly booked in for surgery at the first available date they had for urgent cases like his. Stubborn thing he is!!!
His surgery was a complete success, however I had a feeling there was more “work” to do, so after visiting him in the hospital the following day, I tuned into his energy field. What I saw was a coloured “blob” around his gut area, which I knew right away was going to lead me to my answer.
At the time my chakra knowledge was limited, so I dug out my Book of Chakras and turned to the relevant page. I scanned the page without actually reading it (which is a weird thing to do I guess, but at the time I didn’t think anything of it), and the words, “Self talk” popped into my head. OMG! THIS IS IT!!!
The following day I arrived at the hospital early so I could tell Laurie what I’d found. I explained to him that his condition had appeared after many years, and probably lifetimes, of negative self talk.
He was always really hard on himself, and this discovery was a very important message that this type of self talk had to stop immediately, or the problem would keep coming back! I could be doing all of the energy work in the world and be the very best of the best, but if he’s going to keep that negative self-talk going, he’ll be undoing everything I do.
He stopped the negative self talk right away, and there were times when some not so nice words would pop up, but now he was catching them. He would stop the thought, then he’d say something positive to himself instead.
I reckon this was one of the reasons why he managed to recover so quickly after his surgery!
Like I mentioned above, my work would be pointless if he wasn’t prepared to make a shift with his self talk as well. This is because it was his self talk that contributed to the problem in the first place, and those energies would likely build up in the same place some time in the future, and he’d be back in hospital.
Weight loss
There are many reasons why a person is overweight and there are too many to list here, but no matter what you do energetically, there must be a physical change made too.
I could do the work, release all trapped imbalances, and clear out everything I can think of, but if you’re not prepared to make changes to your diet or exercise routine, there’s nothing I can do to prevent the weight piling back on.
We are ultimately machines, and if our input exceeds our output, it’s gotta go somewhere, so the weight comes back!
Finding love
Let’s say you’re single and have been struggling to meet anyone decent, no matter what you try and no matter where you look, they’re all duds and you’ve almost given up.
You decide to book a session with somebody like me, in an attempt to get to the bottom of why you’re having no luck in finding love.
We’ll start the session and I’ll explain how I work, and then I will open up the floor to you to explain to me what’s going on for you.
While you are talking, I will be intuitively tuned into you. I will be taking notes and I will ask questions for clarification. I will then ask my guides (and yours) to help me to help you in a way that’s for your highest good.
I may initially be led to release trapped imbalances, or to scan your energy field for potential blocks. At this point I may also be guided to look for limiting beliefs you may have around the subject of love or relationships.
Once this part is over, with some help from “the other side”, I will then be guided to give you some “homework” to help you achieve your goal of finding love. The work doesn’t stop with me.
And this is the part where many people get stuck!
I could do all of the clearing in the world, but nothing is going to get you into the energy of having the loving relationship that you want, without some work on your part. Yes, I can help clear some beliefs, but as they say, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got”. So it’s time to make some changes!
For example, if you don’t want to do online dating, but you also stay home almost 100% of the time, something’s got to change! You can’t expect your knight in shining armour to rock up and knock on your door – you must put yourself out there!
When talking about perspective, I’m going to be talking from my own experience because I know exactly what happens when you shift your perspective.
The first thing to do is to shift your perspective about what it is to be single. Many single girls don’t like being single, and they believe that if they were in a relationship, then everything would be better.
What if there were many wonderful things to experience about being single?
One night I spent some time writing down all of the positives of being a single girl. This list included, “I can do what I want, when I want, with whoever I want”, for starters! There were also other things such as, I don’t have to turn off my phone sound when I’m in bed. I also didn’t have to care about keeping anyone awake if I choose to stay up later and read in bed. There was also the fact that I didn’t have to shave my legs so often – bonus!
See where I’m getting at here? It took some work, but before long I was convinced that being single was a great thing, and I even booked a girl’s three day getaway for three months later!
Shifting my perspective around this was life-changing. It took the pressure right off and I finally felt relaxed about where I was at. I still desired a relationship, but I was also determined to have fun while single!
Once we have the perspective sorted, let’s look at your attitude toward dating. Many women go into dating with the hope of finding “the one”. Problem is, this keeps them so focused on that end goal that they’re not present during the date, and the guy can smell that a mile away!
Why not look at dating as an opportunity to meet new and different people? What if your only goal is to have fun, or at least learn something interesting?
Can you see how this shift could take the pressure right off the both of you?
What’s great about this is that the guy can subconsciously sense this energy coming from you, and if you’re caring about nothing more than having fun or learning something interesting, that he will relax too, and he won’t have to be on guard for a woman talking marriage on the first date! And yes… I’ve talked to many men who have had this experience, and it didn’t end well!
So the work to be done here includes a shift in perspective and attitude (there is probably more, but I don’t want to write an entire book today!), and surprisingly, many women aren’t prepared to do the work to make this shift. They think that something outside of them can shift things for them so that they can have what they want, and that’s not the case.
It’s also important to go into dating with a positive outlook. If your focus is on your belief that there are only duds out there and every guy you meet is a loser, guess what you’re going to keep attracting?
Where to from here
Energy work is amazing! It absolutely gives you a head start on your healing journey and can help to bring up aspects of yourself that you were completely unaware of, so it’s extremely powerful.
So of course I absolutely recomment energy work to anyone seeking help with health, love, money, career, soul purpose, and so on. It doesn’t mean that energy work is the only thing you may need to achieve the outcome you’re looking for, but it will absolutely get you closer to your goal quicker than most “traditional” ways will. But… you MUST do your bit too, or you’ll undo everything you have achieved!
For more information about energy work and how it could benefit you, please reach out and we’ll set up a time to chat.
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