Can an Emotion Code or Body Code practitioner detect Carona Virus?
The short answer to this is “No”.
A Body Code practitioner can however detect if you have a viral toxicity, but they cannot tell you one way or the other, if the virus is specifically the Carona Virus, unless they are a licensed medical practitioner and you’ve been medically tested for this virus.
Any practitioner that tells you otherwise, is giving you false information and could potentially tell you that you have it when you don’t, or even tell you that you’re ok, when you’re not. Either way, this isn’t good!
During my practitioner training, Dr Brad, the founder of the Emotion Code and Body Code, talked about a time when he tested a woman and asked if she had cancer, just to see what type of answer he would get. He got “No” for an answer. This woman had previously been tested for cancer and had the test results to say she did in fact have cancer, and he knew this to be true, so why did he get a “No” answer when she did in fact have cancer?
When working with a client, we focus on the symptoms the client is experiencing, and we release the imbalances contributing to those symptoms. This is because the individual’s subconscious doesn’t necessarily attribute a name to those symptoms – to the subconscious, the symptoms (such as a lump under the skin, pain in the leg, stomach problems etc) are what it knows – not necessarily the name.
As an Emotion Code and Body Practitioner with no specific medical qualifications, I have no legal authority to diagnose you with a disease, illness or otherwise, but what I can do is address imbalances within your energy field and body and I can often “see” where in your body that you may have a problem that should be looked at by a medical doctor.
So if you’re ever working with an Emotion Code or Body Code practitioner, it’s important that you understand what their qualifications are, and therefore whether they can diagnose or provide specific treatments for you to help you to improve your health.
Never be afraid to ask a practitioner for their qualifications. If they are certified, they will be more than happy to provide you with a copy of their certificate.
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