Balance regained after having a brain tumor removed
In June 2019 I had the pleasure of working with Jane. Just a month prior to our first session, Jane had undergone an operation to remove a brain tumor, and as a result, she was suffering from fatigue, depression, and dizziness/imbalance. She had put the dizziness down to the fact that the surgery had involved the cutting of the balance nerves on one side of her face.
Here’s an outline of each session. Each issue was addressed separately and in the order that Jane’s subconscious wanted, and you will see the imbalances I cleared which related to each issue.
Session 1 – 3 June 2019
- Memory field relating to the memory of finding out about the brain tumor – moved the memory to the back.
- Trapped emotion of longing from age 21
- Inherited lust from father’s side, going back 4 generations
- EMF/Cellular toxicity from mobile phone – released but recommend using a corded headset in future when on the phone
- Misaligned T9 vertebrae – this connects to adrenal cortex, pancreas, spleen, gall bladder, ovaries, uterus, small intestine
- Imbalanced magnetic field – Resolved for now but you may benefit from magnet supplementation from magnetic inner soles or blankets
- Misaligned right humerus bone – resolved
- Crown chakra imbalance
Session 2 – 11 June 2019
- Spirit to spirit disconnection with the brain – 43% connection – caused by:
- Trapped emotion of defensiveness from age 17
- Trapped emotion of overwhelm from age 30
- Spirit to spirit connection now at 87%
- Medication toxicity
- Emotional resonance with Discouragement
- Misaligned Occipital bone (this is a bone at the back of the skull)
- Excess metabolic waste – resolved – colon therapy, cleanses of various types, liver and kidney cleanses may be beneficial
- Imbalanced appendix caused by a trapped emotion of rejection from age 23
Session 3 – 20 June 2019
- Trapped shame from age 28 relating to a male
- Imbalanced proximal phalanges in the foot
- Trapped guilt from age 17
- Spiritual malnutrition – acts of selfless service will help with this
- Trapped image about being unwell
- Imbalanced colon due to self abuse at age 18, defensiveness at age 18
Session 4 – 30 June 2019
- Trapped despair from age 26
- No will to live energy from age 14
- Colour deficiency – occasionally, the spirit or body may become deficient in a certain colour. Colours are just frequencies, and sometimes a certain colour is the perfect remedy for restoring balance. Colour is yellow, and this can be rectified by wearing yellow clothes, looking at things that are yellow, using coloured light therapy, or even eating yellow foods.
- Trapped forlorn from age 13
- Trapped lost from age 12
It was after this session was completed that Jane reported the following:
Funny you should mention the colour. We live in an extremely black and White House. I visited a psychic a while back who also mentioned I should paint my house to make it more cheery and elevate my mood and suggested yellow. I thought that was very cool. Everything else makes sense too. I’m feeling much better, still fatigued but no longer dizzy at all which is great! Depression has been much better too, I’m looking forward to things and generally happy 🙂
Session 5 – 6 July 2019
- Imbalanced colon due to Stubbornness from age 13
- Recreational drug toxicity (cocaine)
- Despair from age 22
- Imbalanced reproductive system due to unworthy at age 18
- Nervousness from age 23
- Idea allergy – an energy that results from negativity surrounding a certain idea. “Enthusiasm”
- Lack of control from age 32
This was Jane’s last session, and I am so happy to report how much better she was feeling after all of her old “baggage” had been released.
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