Are you playing small in this lifetime?
After researching several Soul Realignment Soul Stories the last week or so, I noticed a pattern, and that included a pattern I was also following. The pattern was around playing small.
Every single Soul Story I reviewed had a strong link to a present life issue where my client isn’t fully living up to their full potential.
What is a Soul Story, and what is a pattern exactly?
A Soul Story incorporates a bunch of research that I do in the Akashic Records, and includes details about your Soul Blueprint, your Soul history and any blocks and restrictions which may be present at a Soul level. Blocks and restrictions are created by choices the client made during that lifetime.
The blocks and restrictions are grouped into “patterns”. The records tell me which blocks and restrictions belong to each pattern, and they help me to determine what happened in the life in which the patterns were formed.
I put this story together before your Soul Realignment reading, so that you’re not sitting there for two hours watching me do this – how boring would that be!
So I put your story together, first higlighting your gifts, your strengths and the things you might need to watch out for in life, and I then talk through these patterns and how they played out in the lifetime they originated from.
Most of the patterns I see are past life patterns, and the stories behind these patterns are nothing short of fascinating! These patterns were relatively “recent” (if you call up to 20 past lives recent!) and involved my client giving up something or making a sacrifice of some sort.
Once I determine the energy around the pattern, it’s very easy for me to then link this pattern into what’s happening in my client’s present life and the choices they’re currently making.
I then perform a clearing, which occurs before the client and I meet.
What happens next?
Once I have the Soul story put together, I meet with my client and we talk through what I have found. We also talk through how these old patterns may be playing out in their current lifetime, through the choices they’re making.
And this is where it gets interesting!
Now that we can see why certain choices are being made, the next step is to determine which physical actions the client can take in order to clear this old energy forever!
My energetic clearing may sort out 80% of the energy around these blocks and restrictions, but the remaining 20% really needs to be done by you, the client!
So once we have talked through the Soul story and we’re clear on how the client’s actions have aligned with these old patterns, we talk about what steps can be taken next, which are contrary to these patterns.
This is where things get uncomfortable!
Here’s the thing… If you’re sticking to your comfort zone, then no action you take will feel uncomfortable. That’s because the action is in alignment with the patterns you are running.
But if you’re running negative patterns, what do you think you’re creating if you’re staying within your comfort zone?
Yep that’s right – you’ll just keep re-creating the situation you’re not happy with!
If however you decide you’re going to take an action which does not align with these old patterns, I won’t lie – it’s not going to feel good. In fact it could be terrifying! It could even feel really yukky!
How do I know this? Because I recently did just that!
What happens when you take an action that does not align with old negative patterns?
In my own personal experience, I can tell you that a LOT happens! More than you think is even possible happens! I will have to put up a post about my experience in doing this, because I still can’t believe what happened when I made a different choice!
When you take an action which does not align to your old negative patterns, like I said, it’ll feel a bit yuk or even terrifying. But that’s no reason not to do it!
If you want different results, you HAVE to do it!
It’s like the old definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It’s not gonna happen!
But if you make the change and you do something different, OMG things will change for you and in the most incredible way!
Soul Realignment
If you’d like to learn more about how a Soul Realignment works, visit this page.
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