Are you feeling stuck? Here’s how to get out of stuckness
Are you like this cat and stuck in a metaphorical “tree” right now, not knowing what to do or which direction to turn? You may have some idea of where you want to go (aka down, so you can get out of that tree!), but you have no idea what your first step should be!
When you’re feeling stuck, and you’re focused on that stuckness, it’s really difficult to get yourself unstuck, so I am going to share some ideas here, which I hope will help you to take the first step out of stuckness!
Where is your focus?
Where is your focus right now? Is it on your apparent stuckness? Or is it on something else? Like I mentioned above, if you’re focused on that stuckness, it’s really difficult to get yourself unstuck, so the first thing you need to do is shift your focus away from what’s bothering you.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that the type of thinking that got me stuck in the first place, is not the type of thinking that’s going to get me out!
This doesn’t mean we’re going to ignore the problem – we just need to shift that focus for a bit so we can find a solution. If you’re reading this, I am going to assume that you have at least some focus on that stuckness. When we do this, we’re actually giving more energy to the problem, which in turn makes the problem bigger.
So your first step is to shift your focus to the desired outcome. Just like this cat, it’s to be standing on the ground, and injury free! Imagine this outcome and how it will feel. What emotions come up for you when you do this?
Ask for help
More often than not, the ideal solution is beyond anything your mind can conjur up. Your mind is limited to your own personal experiences and your memory, so it’s very limited. What if there was a solution or an answer out there which was beyond anything you could ever think of?
So when faced with a predicament, I either go within and I ask my soul (or higher) self, or I take it another step and ask my spirit guides for inspiration. My guides and my soul self are connected to all that is, so if anyone’s going to have an answer for me, it’s going to be them, right? 🙂
In my “From Stuck & Struggling to Fufillment & Flow” Coaching Program I teach my clients exactly how to do this – and it’s soo much easier than you think!
Take a step anyway
Sometimes, it’s just easier to make a single step. It could be a tiny step, but it’s still a step. When you take this step, you’re sending a message out to the Universe that you’re moving forward on this thing, no matter what! Opportunities then arise, or even little twangs of inspiration appear, to help you with your next step.
If you repeat this process you’ll find that the next steps keep appearing until you find yourself at your destination!
What to do next
If your feeling of being stuck and struggling is getting too much, or you’re struggling to communicate with your higher self or guides, and taking that first step seems impossible, because right now it feels like whatever you do, it will be “wrong”, then you might want to consider getting some extra help until you’re back on your feet again.
My coaching program, From Stuck & Struggling to Fulfillment & Flow will help you to get clarity. You will also be taught how to connect to your soul self and to your spirit guides, together we will clear trapped energies and limiting beliefs to help you move forward, you will learn new daily habits, you will learn how to raise your vibration so that your life takes on a more positive spin, and we may even touch on past life or between lives experiences.
A number of packages have been set up to suit every budget, and for a limited time I have discounted my pricing! If you’d like to learn more, please check out the program!
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