Are you always broke? The reason could be in your energy
It’s hard to believe, but the reason why you’re broke could have everything to do with what’s happening in your subconscious mind.
This is the part of the mind that does what it does, without any conscious instructions from you. It is what keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and it tells your muscles what to do, and it also has the potential to block what you want from manifesting in your life!
Just about everybody I know would like to win the lottery, so they can buy everything they want and never have to worry about money again. This all sounds great in theory, but in reality, most people who win large sums of money, end up right back where they started from, not too long after they received the windfall.
Why do you think this is?
We are all vibrating at a specific frequency and on a subconscious level, we are attracting situations into our lives that match this frequency.
If you have a vibration of poverty and scarcity, that’s exactly what you’re going to attract. So when you win the lottery, you’ll have a blast spending all of that money, but all too soon, it will be all gone and you will possibly end up more broke than you were before you won the money.
So what can you do if you’re vibrating in this negative frequency?
There are a number of ways you can turn this around. In order to attract abundance, you must be vibrating at an abundant frequency, as like attracts like. So here’s some things you can do:
- Affirmations
- Meditation
- Focus on goals/dreams
- Staying positive
- Law of attraction techniques
All of these things will help get you closer, but it’s never going to happen as quickly as you’d like! But you can speed up the process through energy healing.
Energy healing works on any blocks you are holding within your energy field. These blocks are keeping your vibration at a level that’s “repelling” the outcome you desire, so it’s important to release them so that you can adjust your frequency to a more abundant level.
Some of the blocks which could be released through this process to help you attract more abundance include:
- Fear of failure
- Fear of success (yep!)
- Feelings of unworthiness
- Lack of self esteem
- Pride
- Anxiety
- Rejection
and the list goes on…!
It’s actually quite incredible the obstacles to success an energy block in your field can create, but the good news is that they can be released to allow you to live your best life!
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