I was talking to a close friend of mine today, and what came up was how some people become the victims of their own story.
These are the people who seem to be “stuck” in a negative loop that they don’t seem to know how to get out of. They spend a lot of time talking about what’s going wrong with their life to anybody who will listen, and they wonder why things aren’t improving in their life.
These people are generally good people, and they don’t consciously realise they’re stuck in this negative loop. They also don’t see how much energy they’re “sucking” out of those around them! You see, misery loves company! So as soon as you buy into their story, you’re right down in the trenches with them, and while you may not notice at first, it’s a dark place to be!
What’s also interesting about this is that people who tend to become the victims of their own story will manifest illness and “dis-ease” in their bodies too. If you know somebody who always seems to be sick or suffering with various ailments, take note of their language. Is it mostly positive? I doubt it!
How to tell if you’re a victim of your own story
If you’re a victim of your own story, the points below may resonate:
- Most of what you talk about relates to whatever’s going wrong in your life.
- Negative words leave your mouth less often than positive words do.
- You will tell anyone who will listen, about your problems.
- They will use your problems as an excuse as to why you’re not achieving your goals.
- You are pessimistic about a lot of things.
- You struggle to see the positives in a perceived negative situation when prompted to do so.
- You’re afraid to take the leap into relationships, a new career opportunity or adventures, because on some level you don’t believe this much happiness or success is meant for you.
If some or all of these remind you of you, I want you to know that I understand that it is really difficult to get yourself out of a negative loop if everything keeps going wrong. Have you ever heard the saying, “If it doesn’t rain, it pours”?
Any human on the planet will tell you that when everything is going wrong, it’s almost impossible to see any good in the world!
The problem with maintaining your focus on what’s going wrong, is that it contributes to the negative cycle you’re in. When you’re in a negative cycle, you’re thinking negative thoughts, you’re pushing out negative energy, which in turn creates negative events, which in turn creates more negative thoughts.
Can you stop this negative cycle?
If you truly want your situation to change, the only way is to stop this negative loop in its tracks! It may sound impossible to you, but it can be done. You don’t have to look far with our modern technology, to find stories of people who’ve suffered great tragedies, then to achieve great happiness and success later.
I have a friend who suffered terrible loss around 20 years ago, and I’ve included a video of her speaking at an event in 2019. I remember going through a negative time in my own life, and it was Carren’s story that gave me the push I needed to end my pity party, once and for all!
Carren’s story really helped me to put things in perspective.
You no longer have to be the victim of your own story, because there is a way to change this. It’s not an overnight fix, but it can be done!
How can I stop this cycle?
I am going to list a bunch of tips and ideas to help you shift your negative thought patterns, so that they can be replaced with positive thought patterns.
What’s great about these ideas is that your positive thoughts will push out positive energy, which in turn creates positive outcomes, which bring about positive thoughts! You can’t remove the dark from a dark room, but you can absolutely add light by turning on the light switch!
The list below is only a small sample – feel free to add more ideas as you go.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
- Watch your words. Whenever you hear yourself speaking negatively about anything, stop what you’re saying and shift those words into something more positive.
- When you notice yourself thinking negatively about something, in your mind say “STOP!”. Then replace those thoughts with positive thoughts about the same topic. Try to come up with three positive thoughts to replace each negative thought.
- Every morning, write down (or if time is limited, think about) at least 5 things you are grateful for. Really feel that gratitude!
- Set reminders in your phone to remind you to look for something positive every waking hour of your day. The more often you’re looking for something to feel positive about, the more positive things you will find – trust me!
- When faced with a situation which you perceive to be negative, take a step back in your mind and observe the situation as a third party. What is the lesson to be learned in this situation? What positive thing could come out of this situation? Maybe the lesson is not to allow yourself to get into this situation again, and the positive thing to come out of this situation is that you know better now, so won’t be so likely to find yourself there again.
There are so many ideas you could add to this list, but I suggest starting small before you work up to more. To be honest, I’m so darn positive that if I have a negative thought come in, it actually feels really yuck to me! In fact, the last time I found myself in a negative loop, I injured my back and was in incredible pain for weeks after!
Final words
Being a victim of your own story isn’t just about manifesting bad luck. It’s also about manifesting ill health, injuries, and other circumstances that do not feel good.
If you can learn to shift your language and thoughts into something much more positive however, you’re going to notice a shift in your external circumstances too.
You have nothing to lose by giving this a try, right?? ๐
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