An amazing sign from my spirit guides!
As I was contemplating the message I wanted to get out there today, my husband asked, “What is the most significant thing that has happened for you in the last few days?”. My response was immediate: “The eagle!”. This was sent to me by my spirit guides!
To give you some context, some time ago (5 September 2022) I asked my spirit guides (Charoyia) for a sign in the form of a Wedgetail Eagle, which related to a situation I wanted help with. I wanted to see the sign as a message that it was going to turn out as I hoped. Their answer: “Keep your eyes open!”.
The next day (6 September 2022) I said to Charoyia: “I do trust that you are here and supporting me, and I hope that I can receive more “tangible” evidence to confirm this…”
Charoyia: “Trust. We will send you your big bird!”
9 September 2022
Me: Is my wedgetail eagle coming?
Charoyia: Yes it is coming and you must trust. Keep your eyes open.
12 September 2022
Me: What if you don’t send me a sign in the form of a wedgetail eagle?
Charoyia: When you humans put timings on things it doesn’t serve you, for we do not understand or even like the concept of “time”. Be patient. It is coming.
14 September 2022
Me: What’s with all of these feathers that I keep finding?
Charoyia: Yes we are messing with you and we think this is fun. Do not worry – your big bird is on its way.
17 September 2022
Me: I would like to know where my wedgetail eagle is.
Charoyia: Do you not like the feathers and the eagle pictures we have sent you? Just kidding. It is coming. Be prepared.
For context, in addition to the bunch of feathers that kept coming my way, all of a sudden I was coming across pictures of wedgetail eagles everywhere! I knew they were messing with me! 😀
18 September 2022
Me: Thanks for the peacock, although it’s not quite a wedgetail eagle!
Charoyia: We like that you see the humour in this!
Previously, in relation to a different situation, I had asked for a sign in the form of a peacock. In response, Charoyia slammed me with peacocks! Haha!
9 October 2022
Me: Was last night’s wedgetail eagle the one you promised me?
Charoyia: You know the answer to that by how emotional you felt. We didn’t want to give you “any old eagle”. We needed your eagle to stand out! Now you have proof that we are here, we are listening, we are helping and supporting you and what you desire is near.
For context, I bought Laurie tickets to “Spirits of the red sand”, which is an interactive dinner/show experience. We learned about some aboriginal history, and also about what really happened to the aboriginal people when the English settlers moved in (it was truly horrific!). The performance was incredibly moving, and we learned so much!
But what really blew me away and brought me to to tears though, was the huge wedgetail eagle mural up on the wall. As soon as I saw it, I knew this was the sign I had been waiting for!
The wedgetail eagle is the totum animal for the local aboriginal community (we had no idea!), and we even learned how to do the aboriginal dance of the wedgetail eagle during the event!
This eagle was so much more than a mural though. It was confirmation, just like Charoyia said, that I have my team of guides around me who are supporting and helping me every day.
The lessons
What did I learn from all of this? Well… there were a number of things!
- Spirit guides (and spirits in general) don’t have a concept of “time”. It’s been scientifically proven that time is not linear (as we perceive it), so when we apply time limits to things, it means nothing to those in the non-physical. So we really need to be careful when we want to put time limits on things which relate to the other side, because we will likely be disappointed!
- When I detach and stop nagging, my guides will deliver, and in a big way! When I’m too attached and “naggy”, that’s when I’m blocking the flow. I need to let go and allow them to deliver to me in their own divine time.
- When my guides tell me that my sign is coming, I must trust that it really is, and stop going on about it!
- When signs are delivered, they’re not always in the form you would expect! I expected to see a huge wedgetail eagle flying around our house (we saw one a few months back, across from our house, so it’s not an impossible expectation!). But instead it came to me in the form of a beautiful mural, which happens to be the totum of the local people, and we learned the dance too!
- We are all loved, supported, and being helped from the other side, and the more you ask for help, the more help they will provide. Even if it’s just asking for help with coping with a situation, or in seeing the situation differently. Whatever it is, just ask, and if they can do so, they will deliver!
I was so excited when I saw that eagle, and I absolutely knew in my heart that this was the sign I had been hoping to receive! I now understand that once I detached, I was no longer pushing things away, which is what I believe my guides wanted me to understand.
So the message here is, if you desire something and you’re too attached to that outcome, chances are you’re actually creating resistance and pushing that thing away. So it’s really important to have the desire, trust that it is coming, then let it go without too much focus.
If you’re able to do that, you never know what may be right around the corner!
Feel free to contact me if you’d like to learn how to communicate with your spirit guides – I have a number of coaching programs which may help!
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