Align yourself with abundance in the right way
If you want to know how to align yourself with abundance, I am assuming that the idea of living a life of purpose, loving what you do every day, and fostering loving and fulfilling relationships is on your list of “things to do” in this lifetime.
I am also assuming that this isn’t quite what you’re experiencing right now.
Am I right?
What happens when you don’t align yourself with abundance
Maybe your job is demanding and thankless, draining of you of every ounce of energy you managed to build up while you slept overnight (that’s if you slept at all, because you were worrying about the important meeting you had the following day).
Or maybe you’re feeling this sense of not truly living your life to the fullest. You feel as though you were meant for more, but yet your reality reflects something that’s severely lacking.
Your relationship is on the rocks too, just to mix things up a bit, and you’re starting to feel really burnt out.
What you may have tried to align yourself with abundance
To turn these events around, you’ve booked in for some therapy, you’ve read countless books, attended workshops, or paid a coach to help you out of this muddy, deep rut that you find yourself in.
But none of this has worked.
How to align yourself to abundance
To align yourself to abundance, there’s something you first need to understand…
Your situation right now is a 100% reflection of your current vibrational frequency, and to create a new situation, your vibrational frequency must change.
Most teachers and coaches know this. But what they don’t tell you, is that the only way to shift into vibrational alignment with what you want, is to make “Soul-Aligned Actions”!
This is not stuff we are taught at school, very few coaches even know about this, and to be honest, it’s not even something that’s commonly known in the metaphysical community either.
Do you possess what it takes to manifest great change?
To manifest great change in your life, you do need to be a certain type of person. It’s not something that can be done quickly, unless you have the following qualities:
You must be prepared to take responsibility
This one isn’t about taking the blame for all of the crap going on in your life right now – it’s simply about accepting that all of your past choices have led you to where you stand in this moment.
When you take responsibility for your current circumstances, you also arm yourself with the power to change them in a powerful way!
You must be prepared to get quite uncomfortable!
Let’s face it. Change is uncomfortable at the best of times, but when you’re truly committed to manifesting an abundance in a big way, you’re going to have to make some significant vibrational shifts. These shifts don’t feel good!
When you leave Point A behind, and begin the journey to Point B, you end up in “no man’s land”, and things can really get messy! You might also feel vulnerable, scared, or simply alone as you navigate this journey!
Your Roadmap to Aligned Abundance
You have quite a journey ahead, and although you may possess what it takes to make this journey, without a roadmap, you’re going to get lost!
To help you get a picture of what that roadmap might look like, check out the Soulful Manifesting page.
Book a discovery call
Find out how to get your Manifesting Roadmap
Soulful Manifesting (the link in the video below is no longer valid)
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